Event: Educació per la Vida (Education for Life)

Once again in October this year I will be attending the ¨Educació per la Vida¨ ( Education for Life) Poc a Poc event http://pocapoc.org/ , and collaborating along with the nonprofit I work with, PermaMed http://permamed.org/ .
This annual gathering of people that inspires, encourages and creates local actions involved in caring for the Earth, the soul and society since 1998, has brought together world-renowned names such as Satish Kumar, Fritjof Capra or Vandana Shiva, among many others, and is attended every year by over 500 people, including a great number of teachers and educators.
The event, which explores and integrates subjects such as ecology, spirituality, the economy of happiness and education in an atmosphere of free spirit and service to the community, will take place in Mallorca, Spain, on October 14th and 15th. See my Events page for more.
As you may know, my interest in the subjects at hand go deep, and right now our association has a strong focus on youth and transition, so I am delighted to see Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Movement, will be coming back this year.
I feel so blessed to be able to be present and active at these events, participating in the creation of something positive for the future. Even though it can feel a bit like a roller-coaster at times, these are interesting and exciting times to be alive!
Meiling ♥♥♥