My mother passed away when I was very young, yet I have always had the sensation of walking a well-trodden path, mabe not exactly walking behind my ancestors footsteps, but definitely walking beside them.
Then I reached a certain age, and it dawned on me that I was now older than my mother...
I must admit I felt strangely unrooted for some reason. This, this was unchartered territory...I would now be living through times, through changes, my mother had never experienced. No longer could I ask myself, what would my mother do? Whether I wanted to or not, I was the grown-up here, the Elder, even!!!
Ha!! Life has a way of putting you back in your place...
We visited my 96 year old paternal grandmother a little while ago. Looking at this amazing older woman, who has lived through both a civil and a world war, and raised 12 children in the midst of it to top it off, interacting with my spirited 15 year old daughter, I realised the link is still there, unbroken.
We are the sum of those who came before us, and we are much more.
Both the Acorn and the Oak.