My Bio
Meet Meiling Colorado
Born in London, she spent most of her childhood on tour with her parents, who were dancers. She grew up in a multi-ethnic family, which, coupled with their semi-nomadic bohemian lifestyle, broadened her perception of the world. Mostly homeschooled, where many children were beginning to read and enjoy Dr. Seuss, Meiling was also reading and acting out scenes from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream with her mother. She was an avid reader from a very early age, deriving great pleasure from reading countless authors, different genres and styles, and channeling great part of her creativity into writing poems and short stories. As a professional Flamenco and Classical Spanish dancer, Meiling has travelled extensively, which made her aware of how necessary a change of direction in Humanity’s actions has become.She now lives in Spain, on the beautiful island of Mallorca, with her husband and two children,alternating between writing, teaching English, translating and practising Permaculture. When there is time, she really enjoys just breathing, being out in nature, and watching the sun set slowly on the horizon.
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Want to know more?

Who, if anyone, influenced your writing?
Interesting question. I was homeschooled until I was about ten years old, and my mother always drew heavily on our reading time as part of my education. She encouraged me both to read extensively and to write. My tastes ranged from Shakespeare to C.S. Lewis, from Georgette Heyer to J.R.R. Tolkien to Kafka. Quite a mix bound to be reflected in my writing.
What is the best place for you to work for your inspiration to come?
To start with, I like somewhere quiet, ideally with a view of nature and a cup of tea, but once an idea hits I just get swept away, and then I could be in the middle of a rock concert and it wouldn't make any difference. I have written feverishly backstage on tours, on buses, even at parties! What matters is that first initial wave of inspiration.
how do you structure your working day?
Yes, that is always a challenge for me. I believe in structure, I do. I just can't seem to make it work around my life. I am a mother, I teach and translate, and my schedule varies depending on the time of year. The best I can aim for is what I guess you could call structured flexibility. I am a night owl, so whenever possible I try to do my writing when everybody else is asleep.