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Sample Q&A
In terms of genre, how would you categorize Aftermath?
I am not too keen on labels, but I guess if one has to categorise it one could say it’s a fantasy novel set in a post-apocalyptic world.
If you were only allowed one sentence to explain what the novel’s about, what would it be?
In AFTERMATH we witness a world reeling in the midst of post war chaos, in which humanity has to face not just the struggle basic survival entails, but also the challenge of sudden evolutionary upheaval.
What in your real life inspired you to write this tale in particular?
Many people believe we are in the midst of an era change, possibly even a transition between dimensions. As a mother I have become not only painfully aware of the need for a change to a more sustainable lifestyle if we want future generations to survive, but also of the fact that many of the children nowadays are equipped better than we may think to face these changes, if we only allow them to do so. Ever curious, I just set off to explore what the next step in human evolution could be.
Are there any authors you would say Aftermath is for fans of?
That is very subjective, of course. If pressed I would say that readers who enjoy Fantasy, alternative future or alternative universe novels will find Aftermath interesting.
What would you have done differently (either in the writing process or in the story itself) if you could do it again?
Oh dear! As far as I am concerned, if left to my own devices I would never stop editing and adding to the story. If I could do it again I might end up with with a very different novel!
You can’t be a great writer without being a great reader, so who’s your favorite author, or what’s your favorite series?
Just one? If I have to name someone, I would say Richard Bach. As for series, well, J.R.R Tolkien’s ¨Lord of the Rings¨, of course, and I developed quite an obsession with Robert Jordan's ¨The Wheel of Time¨ series at one point. There! I told you I couldn’t keep it down to one!
We know you’re a great author, but what’s something about you that might surprise readers?
Ha! I hesitate to call myself a great anything. The readers will be the judge of whether they like my work or not. As far as my life is concerned, it has not been a very conventional one. I was born into a multi-ethnic family of dancers, basically spent my childhood on a tour bus, and was a professional Flamenco and Classical Spanish dancer for over twenty-five years.
Spending so much time on a tour bus, you’ve obviously done a lot of traveling in your life. How did some of your travels influence you during the writing process?
The one thing that was made clear to me through my travels is that we are all people, one race. The Human race. There are some highly evolved individuals among us, too. When you travel you also appreciate the beauty of the planet we are on, and witness what a terrible job we are doing when it comes to looking after it. Our survival as a species is at stake here, the fate of our children and grandchildren. So, I guess the question at the back of my mind while I looked out at the countryside flashing by the tour-bus window was what kind of change would it take to save us from a truly catastrophic outcome, and was it even possible?