Transition. It is Time.
As a species, we can be such gifted, creative beings. I was once told by a wise Elder that Mother Earth was partial to us because when we are in sync with her we can create so much beauty around us, poetry, art, music, dance, all as a gift and honor to her.
When it comes to living in sustainable communities, the technical aspects are never a problem, we can come up with the most creative low and mid-tech solutions...and yet, we have very few tools and resources on a social level.
We find it difficult to get on.
I truly believe it is the next challenge in our evolution...we have experienced the reality/illusion of separation, we have learned to compete, and the joys and sorrows of being the Lone we must learn to be One. Not in a hive-mind sort of community, but as individuals linked by a common life force. Individual threads enhancing the texture, pattern, and quality of the Weave of Creation.
We are the Ones we have been waiting for. The Time is Now.

This post originally appeared on my Niume Account.