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'Tis said that...

Midwinter nights when the veil thins,

And our Mind to reason clings,

The Ancient Circle gathers in creation,

Of an ancient Spell of Invocation.

When Mankind strayeth from the Path,

Soon will Nature show her Wrath.

Frosted stars are all a'glitter,

And the marrow-freezing cold so bitter...

Step by painful step does she draw near,

Not even do the bravest hide their fear.

Driven from afar towards their glow,

Leaving strange dark footprints in the snow.

The hum of cracked old voices ever louder,

Their chant making the Darkness cease to shroud her.

Deeply etched across her face,

Are the scars of Mankind's trace.

Straight and tall, eyes like flame...

Some cannot withstand their pain.

Hide their face and bare their soul,

As Time slows down to a crawl...


This post originally appeared on my Niume page.

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