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Reading..and Reviewing: When Darkness Reigns
I must admit that upon starting When Darkness Reigns by Preston L. Marshall I was not sure what to expect. The Dystopian Fantasy genre is...

Author copies made it home!
The 23rd April was International Book Day, Sant Jordi here in Spain, and of course, my author copies arrived to celebrate!! I will be...

From whence I came, from the enfolding warm cocoon, Did I surge up, following a spell cast by the Moon. Like a spring my life gushed...

Time to fly!
Yesterday was a crazy day, work, family, in one word, Life took over. It was basically evening by the time I was able to come up for air,...

Book Release coming up!
Yessss, at last! Giddy as a top! Aftermath release date set for the 27th of March! You can pre-order the Kindle edition at...

Digging deep, and the identity crisis which can birth a debut novel
My debut novel Aftermath is due for release in a matter of days! . I imagine it is a common question, yet when I am asked if my personal...

Release date pending and exclusive sneak peek in Patreon ♥
A year ago today, my manuscript was accepted by GenZ Publishing, and I was doing my happy dance. A trifle stunned and disbelieving, but...

1.15 in the morning. Chocolate, tea, and edits...
Final edits ...please lord let me catch everything! The more I learn the more I realise just how little I know. Quite the learning...

Proof Time!
Yessss! My Aftermath proof is here 😄 . So overwhelming to see my own words staring back at me from a real page! Going to work on it now,...

Rooted deep into the depths, moved so deeply by the tides, Tapping secretly into the magick that the white Witch rides... Brother,...
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